Villeroy & Boch
AmmattilaisetEsittelytilat ja jälleenmyyjät
Moderni kylpyhuone, jossa on Antao-mallistoon kuuluva vihreä kylpyamme ja siihen sopivat puujäljitelmäiset kalusteet.
Novelty: Antao

The new holistic bathroom collection with a nature-inspired look

Discover Antao
A Villeroy & Boch black and white La Boule on a marble surface, accompanied by a white vase with a flower and an open black box labelled "La Boule".
La Boule

This ornamental porcelain sphere, 

when separated into its seven individual components, 

transforms into a luxury dinnerware set for two.

Discover La Boule
A top view of a Christmas dining table setting with black plates from the Villeroy & Boch Manufacture range together with Piemont cutlery. It is also decorated with a centrepiece of green foliage and candles on a wooden surface.
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Experience the unique combination 

of textured premium porcelain and innovative designs.


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Design your home with us

Moderni kylpyhuone, jossa on suuret ikkunat ja Villeroy & Bochin Antao-kylpyamme.


Set up

Design your home with us

Valkoinen Artis-pesuallas pienessä vieraskylpyhuoneessa, jossa on ikkuna

Compact room solutions

Artis surface-mounted washbasins

Imagine a space that's both beautiful and functional. Discover the elegance of our Artis washbasins, surface-mounted designs that add a personal touch to your bathroom. Artis pairs perfectly with our furniture collections like Collaro, making full use of every inch without compromising on design.

Discover Artis washbasins



Capturing the ethereal beauty of the crescent moon, the NewMoon collection by Villeroy & Boch is a testament to modern design.

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Butler sinks

Stylish eye-catcher in the kitchen

Our butler sinks combine traditional design with modern functionality and add timeless charm to any kitchen. Thanks to robust materials and elegant shapes, they are not only practical, but also stylish eye-catchers.



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Top Together

Sophisticated down to the smallest detail

For a particularly harmonious overall look and optimum functionality, we ensure that the mixer tap and bathroom ceramics fit together perfectly. Key design elements of the ceramics are reflected in the design of the mixer taps. That's what we call Top Together.

To the bathroom fittings
Minimalistinen kylpyhuone, jossa on lattiatasoinen suihku, vapaasti seisova kylpyamme, kolme pesuallasta peilien kanssa ja modernit vesihanat. Sisustukselle ovat ominaisia neutraalit värit ja selkeät linjat.


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Festive table with green and beige Perlemor plates, surrounded by Winter Glow candleholders and Like glasses.
Festive table with green and beige Perlemor plates, surrounded by Winter Glow candleholders and Like glasses.


Appreciate the uniqueness of the Perlemor collection in pottery look from Villeroy & Boch

Festive table setting with decorative Toy's Delight plates with red and white patterns, silver cutlery and a centrepiece of red flowers and green plants on a beige tablecloth.


Toy's Delight

Bring the royal elegance of Christmas celebrations past into your home with the enchanting Villeroy & Boch Toy's Delight Royal Classic collection. 

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Currently popular

Minimalistinen mustavalkoinen allastaso, jossa on suorakulmainen, valkoinen tason päälle asennettava pesuallas ja kromattu vesihana


Discover our unique washbasins: Modern design and high-quality materials make your bathroom an eye-catcher.

Discover washbasins
Moderni, valoisa kylpyhuoneen sisustus, johon sisältyy terrazzolattia, valkoiset laatat, puukaapit, Villeroy & Bochin kylpyamme ja koristekasveja.

Bathroom furniture

Our elegant bathroom furniture offers storage space and sets stylish accents. Transform your bathroom into an oasis of well-being!

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Luonnontyyliin sisustettu avoin kylpyhuone, jossa on vapaasti seisova soikea vihreä kylpyamme.


Whether freestanding or built-in – you'll find the perfect bath with us. Maximum comfort and stylish design for your dream bathroom.

Discover bathtubs
Villeroy & Bochin valkoinen Antao-wc-istuin tyylikkäässä beigen värisessä kylpyhuoneessa, jossa on ruukkukasvi.


Our toilets impress with their innovative technology and stylish design. Experience maximum comfort and make a statement.

Discover WCs
Moderni, minimalistinen kylpyhuone, jossa on pyöreä, tummansininen Artis-pesuallas, geometrisia muotoja sekä sininen ja vihreä värimaailma

Artis washbasin – colour at its most beautiful

The Villeroy & Boch Artis collection offers high-quality washbasins to suit all tastes, with a wide range of colours and sizes. Timelessly beautiful design.

Selected bathroom collections at a glance

Moderni kylpyhuone, jossa on Villeroy & Bochin seinään asennettu pesevä ViClean-WC-istuin, harmaat laatat, leijuva hylly, jolla on pyyhkeitä ja koriste-esineitä, sekä lämmin valaistus.


The shower toilet for particularly gentle cleaning and pleasant hygiene.

Discover ViClean
Moderni kylpyhuone, jossa on pyöreä tason päälle asennettava Loop & Friends -pesuallas, vettä virtaa minimalistisesta vesihanasta, puiset seinäpaneelit ja erilaisia hygieniatarvikkeita harmaalla työtasolla.

Loop & Friends

Versatile with different shapes, sizes and colours for your dream bathroom.

Discover Loop & Friends
Moderni kylpyhuone, jossa on valkoinen soikea pesuallas puukaapin päällä ja Liberty-malliston kromattu seinähana. Pyöreä puukehyksinen peili roikkuu pesualtaan yläpuolella. Ikkunalaudalla roikkuu koristeellisia esineitä.


Filigree, timeless design with aesthetics, functionality and comfort.

Discover Collaro
Oranssiin mekkoon pukeutunut nainen suoristaa miehen solmiota tyylikkäässä kylpyhuoneessa, jossa on ruutulattia, musta vapaasti seisova kylpyamme, pyöreä peili ja modernia taidetta seinällä.


Classic and modern, quality elegance for the bathroom.

Discover Hommage
Moderni kylpyhuone, jossa on tummaa puuta sekä beigen värinen Antao-kylpyamme ja -pesuallas.

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  • Cutlery
  • Wall-mounted washbasins
  • Mirror cabinets

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  • Bathroom ceramics
  • Bathroom types
  • Kitchen ideas
  • Bathroom Cleaning

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